Schools out, Swim Schools in!

Schools out, Swim Schools in!

As summer approaches, we get excited for holidays, beach days and pool days where you can cool off and enjoy the warm weather. Whether your going on holiday, spending the day at your local beach or visiting one of our wonderful Lidos this year, it is important to prioritize water safety and ensure that your children are equipped with the necessary skills to stay safe in the water.

Swimming is not only a fun activity but also a life skill that is important for everyone to learn. Not only does it provide an opportunity for exercise, but it also teaches children about the importance of staying safe in and around water!

It is never too early to start teaching your children about water safety, our swimming lessons are designed to be both fun and educational, even if they are not yet ready to swim on their own, introducing them to the water and teaching them basic skills can help prevent accidents and build their confidence in the water. Our instructors are trained to work with children of all ages and abilities!

Click here to enquire today!