Soft Play

Did you know we offer soft play for your children?

As well as being a fun activity for your child, soft play has many benefits that you may not realise! Soft play can stimulate problem-solving and encourage children to explore and learn for themselves.

Soft play will get their imagination and creativity running wild, they can meet new friends which will encourage their social skills and can even help the younger ones with basic skills like crawling, running and jumping whilst in a safe and controlled environment!

Witness your little ones imagination take over as they explore, laugh, and slide into pure happiness, let the adventure begin and book onto a soft play session today!

Parents can relax with seating available outside the soft play area, or grab a bite to eat and enjoy a coffee at Chill Café with their delicious menu.

Our soft play sessions run Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 18:00 and are bookable via the Fusion Lifestyle app. Don't have the app? Download here.

Book a soft play session today via the Fusion Lifestyle app. Don't have the app? Click here.