Gender Pay Gap Report

The tables below show our overall median and mean gender pay and bonus pay gap based on hourly pay rates as of 5 April 2023. 

Gender Pay Gap
Median (mid-point): -45%
Mean (average): 45%

Gender Bous Pay Gap
Median (mid-point): N/A
Mean (average): N/A

Women earn £1.43 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 43% higher than men's.

No bonuses were paid during this time period. 


Female: 78%
Male 22%

Upper Middle
Female: 75%
Male: 25%

Lower Middle
Female: 75%
Male: 25%

Female: 53%
Male: 47%

Fusion Lifestyle (including Active Life) is committed to being an inclusive workplace. The Gender Pay Gap Reporting is just one way of us monitoring and demonstrating inclusivity. We are pleased with our mean and median figures based on hourly rates of pay using the snapshot date of 5 April 2023 across the workforce.

I confirm that our data is accurate and has been calculated according to the requirements of The Equality Act of 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

James Duncan, Head of People